Tuesday, January 1, 2013

happppy nw yr

hello i am updating this two days in a row.  happy new year to all y'all xox

i tried to quickly make a resolution this morning when i woke up and i decided it should be No Complaining 2013 but i instantly forgot when my mom made me take the lights off the tree this morning and what ensued can only be described as a complain-fest. sorry oops.
forgot to mention that upon entering my parents house last weekend i instantly became 16 again, complete with moodiness n ~teen attitude~ n following my mom around target.

anyway then i changed my new years resolution to be eat a fancy cake, you know those little cakes that come in packages of two and they have white icing and are white. you know those. well i already ate one so i guess i'm good for the year then.

remember when i used to make monthly goals LOL ambition and drive. since i moved to wisconsin my goals for every month have been Live On Your Own Without Dying And Also Put 100% Effort Into All School Things which i have actually successfully met. i love school y'all.

also wondering how i am even alive after consuming only sugar or things that will quickly be converted into sugar for the past 5 days. ok actually 5 months.

also i just reblogged a bunch o' cool pics on my tumblr if you want to look at those.


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