Saturday, July 7, 2012

sarah's and my borderline lesbian past:

my really awesome coworker Sarah's collection of Sarah Michelle Gellar magazine pictures

and i'm proud to display my very own Mandy Moore magazine cover wall-display (incomplete, and resurrected for the sake of this photograph.)

sadly the rest of my full-page-spread mandy moore pictures were removed from my bedroom wall and recycled sometime around age 16, along with my mandy moore calenders from years 2001 and 2002 and my entire collection of anything mandy moore was ever paid to endorse (although i do still unashamedly own a VHS tape of every television appearance she had in 2002). my compulsive need to bring pictures of mandy to my hairdresser has ended and i no longer post her song lyrics on my AIM profile, but i still think she's babelicious and totally respectable.
i was happy to learn of sarah's obsessh with SMG becasue it made me feel like less of a teenage creep weirdo.
did you guys have ~strong admirations on the verge of lesbian crushes~ on female celebrities when you were teenagers?
did you ever overhear your parents asking each other if they thought that was normal and wonder aloud why you had neutrogena advertisements posted all over your bedroom wall?
did you guys go on a trip to dallas with your friends when you were 14 and meet these *older guys* at the hotel hot tub and tell them your name was mandy? no?
what about going on message boards and chat rooms when you had your ~emachines~ and pretending to be mandy moore? no? oh ok

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