Saturday, November 3, 2012

canon ae-1 summer photos

i suck at getting film developed in a timely manner/i shouldn't be spending money on that kind of thing
but these are from summer and make me miss everyone and make me sooOOooOo homesick and i don't have any friends here who have their toenails painted and let me take pictures of their feet.

other than that though, eau claire is super awesome. i'm working on a list for all y'all called "kewl things about eau claire part 1" and it will be so fascinating.

the other day i heard some people talking about studying abroad and one person had done it and the other was going to soon and the first person was like GIRL you HAVE to bring a journal and WRITE DOWN EVERYTHING YOU DO BECAUSE IT WILL GO BY SO FAST AND YOU WILL WANT TO REMEMBER FOREVER.
*epiphanous moment*
and i was like duh, that applies to your entire lives and not just time spent in foreign countries. the reason why i fucking love LA so much and have such fond memories is because i documented literally everything including keeping ticket stubs and wrappers and other things that might be considered trash.
anyway i want to feel that way about everywhere i ever live and since i've started school the weeks go by so ridiculously fast and all i ever do is homework which is TOTALLY FINE BECAUSE THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WANT TO BE DOING.
but the days running together is kind of a problem for me so i've started (like yesterday) writing in my journal again. i impulsively registered for a creative writing class next semester too.
*everyone reading this stands up and claps. cheers. gives high fives to their surrounding pets. goes to get their journals with empty pages to write in them but first reads their old entries and realizes they are huge dorks forever and ever*
november goals y'all~*~*~*~*~*~ also my other november goal is to hang up pictures because i moved here 2 months ago and still only have one painting on my wall :o((((((

A: no because i am at racy's and only half paying attention to what i'm doing/ incapable of typing coherent thoughts and my meter is about to run out cya

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