Friday, April 27, 2012

Welcome 2 Teen Dolphin a rad new blog by Lizzie Drexler

hey y'all.

i've been considering starting a new ~*blog*~ for quite some time because it's a kewl and semi-productive way to occupy my mind. then one day my coworker was like "lizzie hay gurl do you have a blog still?" and i was like NO, CRY ME A RIVER but to be honest that's when i knew it was time to make one.

bear with me please, i haven't had a not-specifically-themed blog since 2009 and that was before i learned how to write in complete sentences.

after MUCH DELIBERATION, i ended up choosing teen-dolphin as my url even though i am neither a teen nor a dolphin. hopefully real teen dolphins will stumble upon this and think it's cool. also don't forget to enjoy my shitty-quality .jpg rocky horror font title. you're welcome.

i'd like to conclude this momentous first post with a video that my friends and i made of patrick and i singing a toby keith song:

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