Monday, December 31, 2012

i don't know what kind of twilight zone i've entered or what kind of fourth dimension in which space and time are not relative.

what's important is that i've been in shreveport for a week and that i survived the semester just barely.

what's important is that i'm sleeping on a twin-size mattress in the middle of the floor of my childhood bedroom which is shaped like a dollhouse and i've only actually been gone for a few months but it feels fucking weird.

what's important is that i've been able to spend time with my parents and colin (my 3 yr old neph y'all) and all my animalzzz that i've missed so dearly. my cat is here right now. say hi osiris. ***hi***

what's immmportant is that i'm concentrating on things other than schoolwork and that is quite a welcome break.

all those things are important.

i'm desperately trying to squeeze everything that i need to do while i'm home into a 2 week span y'all. today i'm going to the ~~~~titanic exhibit~~~~ at sci-port and i'm sooOOooOooo excited. about every other year i become obsessed with the titanic and watch the movie like 20 times and read books about it and learn tons of cool trivia and facts.

i don't have any pictures or anything. i wish i had taken pictures of my art projects but i feel kind of silly like oh here is what i've created do you like it please like it. my hundreds of ceramic items are at my apartment and so are my 3D projects and my drawing projects while actually ended up being paintings or sculptures.

next semester i only have one studio class which will be so manageable compared to the 4 i just completed. and it's FILMMMM PHOTOGRAPHy which i am so excited to learn because i love shooting film but i've never known how to develop my own photos!  can't w8 y'all.

also today is NEW YEARS EVE and i alwayz get so emotional about all holidays always. WHAT A MONUMENTAL OCCASION THAT SIGNIFIES CHANGE AND REBIRTH.


Sunday, November 18, 2012


there is a video that i ~reblogged~ on tumblr that is the most hilarious and greatest thing i've ever seen

i think this link should work, otherwise just go to and scroll like 3 things down and there it is in all it's glory!!!!1!!!!!!

ok i'm going to watch it again now bye

dogsitting 2k12

oh hey y'all.
i'm dogsitting for my sister's dog this weekend and i'm staying at her house which means USING THE INTERNET FOR TONS OF LIFE-ALTERING THINGS, including but not limited to:

1. scrolling through tumblr for really quite a long time.

ok yeah i guess it is pretty much limited to that.

staying at my sister's house also means i can sing songs without my neighbors hearing me. did you guys know (no you didn't) that my neighbors are 4 guys but 3 of them live below me and LEAVE THEIR DOORS WIDE OPEN so we r always like "hey how r u" "good how r u" "fine" *talk about the weather* *talk about school* *talk about how there was a squirrel in the trash can that one time*
but they are actually really nice tho~ rly c00l d00ds

staying at my sister's house also means i can: watch the x files on netflix, do laundry, bleach my hair in her bathroom, hang out with otto (her highly emotional boston terrier) because he literally hasn't left my side even when i was showering.

anyway i have 2 things to show all y'all. most importantly this. who knew something so awesome even existed!? i especially love these:

and i've been wanting to incorporate this scene into something that i create while i'm in ~***~~~aRt Sk00L**~*~~~ because it is my favorite and it's simultaneously the creepiest thing ever and the most beautiful thing ever:::

and lastly here are some Sw33T PiX of my photography proj

the assignment was to create a collage that had something to do with mass media or pop culture, so naturally i was like duhh eating animals, wearing animals, hanging animals on our walls becuz we <3 2 kill thingz and display them~~~. we were only supposed to have 3 prints and when my teacher saw this she was like ohhh ok. 
anyway i fucking love school. want 2 b here 4ever. seriously. cya